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Call for papers and presentations for World Quality Forum of the International Academy for Quality (3rd IAQ WQF).
Vår samarbetsparter International Academy for Quality (IAQ) sänder nu ut ”Call for paper” för den tredje omgången av World Quality Forum of the International Academy for Quality (3rd IAQ WQF).
Den tredje World Quality Forum of the International Academy for Quality (3rd IAQ WQF) kommer att hållas den 5-6 decememer 2019, i Shanghai.
Third World Quality Forum and 13th Shanghai International Symposium on Quality
The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) is composed of the leaders of well-known
enterprises with recognized quality organizations, highly regarded quality consultants, and
professors from institutions of higher learning. IAQ’s members represent more than 45
countries and regions around the world. They are committed to the use of modern quality
techniques and methods to solve important problems, promoting the development of quality
expertise widely, and expediting the development of applicable quality principles and
methods for improving quality and enhancing social benefit.
After successfully holding the first and second World Quality Forums in Europe, IAQ is
co-sponsoring the Third World Quality Forum from December 5 – 6, 2019, in Shanghai,
China in conjunction with the Shanghai Association for Quality.
This Forum will bring together global quality masters from many fields, academicians of IAQ,
and leaders of internationally recognized enterprises. Participants will have the opportunity
to engage with other professionals to share and discuss information about the latest
international quality research and innovative practices deeply. For more information about
this Forum and the invited speakers, please check site.
If you would like to present your research results, newly developed methodologies or tools,
and especially applications of quality methods to solve critical problems with other global
quality experts and peers, please send an abstract of your proposed paper and/or
presentation to
Your proposal should include the following information:
- A short biography of the author(s),
- The title of the paper and/or presentation, and
- An abstract of not less than 200 words and not more than 1000 words.
All documents should be provided in Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint® files in English or
Mandarin. Your abstract should focus on one to three topics related to the themes of the
Forum, as described below. If the proposed paper and/or presentation is accepted by the
Forum Technical Committee and at least one of the authors attends the Forum, the
presentation will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors whose presentations
are accepted will enjoy a reduced registration fee. If the proposed paper is chosen but not
presented at the conference, the paper will be published in the conference proceedings.
Please note the following important deadlines:
- Abstract submission deadline—June 30, 2019.
- Abstract acceptance confirmation date—July 31, 2019.
- Full paper and/or presentation submission and Registration deadline—September 30, 2019.
The Forum Theme: Borderless Quality World
The world of quality knows no boundaries and is not limited by the explosion of new
technologies, expansion of the global population, or the shifting policies of governments.
Quality principles, practices, and methods provide a powerful mechanism for addressing
these changes and maintaining constancy of purpose—the development of a better world
and the cooperation of mankind to assure peace, harmony, and environmental stability.
The Main Topics
- Digitization and quality innovation,
- Values of quality culture,
- Quality of service and customer experience,
- Sustainability and quality, and
- Government policies and quality.
- Future of quality profession,
FORUM AGENDA (Special guest and Non-IAQ member)
December 4,09:00 – 21:00 Registration
December 5,09:00 – 12:00 Opening ceremony and keynote speech
December 5,13:00 – 16:30 Parallel sessions and roundtable discussions
December 5,18:00 – 20:00 Welcome dinner
December 6,09:00 – 12:00 Parallel sessions and roundtable discussions
December 6,13:00 – 16:30 Keynote speech and closing ceremony
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Pal Molnar
IAQ Chairman
Genom SFK Kansli