Hur säkerställer vi kvalitet och säkerhet i en komplex och digital värld? Hur kan vi lita på de ”objekt” som interagerar med oss och varandra utan mänsklig intervention – från automatiserade bilar till online-marknadsplatser?
Språk; Engelska; ZOOM länk skickas ut den 20 november. Läs om de erfarna presentatörerna längst ned.
Ett ISO/CASCO-webbinarium om bedömningen av allt mer komplexa och digitaliserade produkter, processer, tjänster och system.
Det är några av de frågor som samfundet för överensstämmelsebedömning står inför i sitt uppdrag att skapa förtroende för de saker som våra moderna liv förlitar sig på. Delta med oss när vi utforskar möjligheter, risker och utmaningar med detta uppdrag i den digitala eran. Vi kommer att lära oss hur våra uppfattningar om risk och säkerhet förändras och vad vi kan göra för att anpassa oss till dem.
Deltagarna kommer att delta i en dialog om digitalisering inom med särskild tonvikt på digitaliserade objekt, för att förstå konsekvenserna för överensstämmelsebedömning baserat på verkliga fallstudier. De övergripande målen är att:
- Utbyta erfarenheter och bästa praxis.
- Få insikter i marknadens behov.
- Öka medvetenheten om befintliga ISO-standarder som potentiella lösningar.
- Identifiera trender och behov för att mata in dem i framtida arbete inom CASCO.
SFK Programråd genom:
Folke Höglund

François E. Guichard serves the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) as Secretary for both the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, and for the Group of Experts drafting a new legal international instrument for the use of automated vehicles in traffic. An engineer by training, François heads a small unit that oversees technical regulations for vehicle automation and connectivity and is acting as the Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving focal point for UNECE.
Prior to his current role, François served as a line manager at Daimler AG, where he successfully advocated for the introduction of Advance Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) in international legislation, making a significant impact on road safety. He also provided guidance to several countries on environmental strategies, utilizing his background as a noise, greenhouse gas, and pollutants emission testing engineer. François’ career began as an International Management Associate at Mercedes-Benz, gaining experience in Germany, South Africa and the United States.
Masaaki Mochimaru is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering and Ergonomics at Keio University in Japan, where he received his Master in Mechanical Engineering and PhD in Engineering. In 1993, he joined The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) as a research scientist. In 2001, he was appointed as the deputy director of Digital Human Laboratory of AIST. After that, he directed the Digital Human Research Center (2010-2015), Center for Service Research (2010-2015), Human Informatics Research Institute (2015-2018), and Human Augmentation Research Center (2018-). In 2023, he was assigned as a fellow of AIST.
Masaaki’s research interests are related to measurement and modelling of human functions and their applications. In recent years, his research interests have expanded into service engineering and servitization. Through 1997 to 2016, he was the chair of ISO/TC 159/SC 3. He was appointed as the chair of ISO/TC 324 in 2019, and also appointed as the chair of ISO/PC 329.

Roland Atoui, co-chair of the ESCO WG1 on Trusted Supply Chains and managing director at Red Alert Labs, is a cybersecurity and certification expert with more than 15 years of recognized achievements in both research and industry. From smart cards to smart embedded devices up to cloud services, Roland is a new technology enthusiast who fully identifies with the mission to bring trust to our connected world.
Roland has achieved a series of world-first publications and evaluations of products and services. He is member of ENISA adhoc WG on the EUCC scheme and represents the French delegation in ESO and ISO activities. He contributed to the creation of multiple cybersecurity certification schemes and standards such as FIDO, FDO IoT, IoTSF, EUCC, ioXtAlliance, EN 303 645 and ISO 27402.

Patrick Wall is a consultant in international affairs and international law. His work focuses on strategy development, legal advice and negotiation, and his clients include governments, international organizations, think tanks and civil society organizations. Originally from Australia, Patrick has lived in Geneva for the past eight years and has recently moved to Florence, Italy.
Det går inte längre att göra bokningar på den här aktiviteten.